
Junior Secondary


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The Junior Secondary School support the whole school core values:

  • Pride
  • Respect
  • Responsibility
  • Empowerment

JCE - Junior Certificate of Education

Bundamba State Secondary College is committed to providing a breadth of opportunities and programs for junior school students to realise their full potential as creative and intelligent young men and women.  For Year 7, 8 and 9 students it is imperative that a good educational platform is established, in order to do well later in the senior years of schooling.

Students in years 7, 8, and 9 work towards achieving their JCE (Junior Certificate of Education) and will receive a star badge at the end of each year if they meet the satisfactory requirements.  Year 7 students will receive a Bronze star badge, Year 8 Silver and Year 9 gold and their JCE certificate.

Students are tracked and monitored and after each reporting period academic results are analysed by our Junior Secondary Team. Children not passing are identified and intervention strategies implemented. A range of strategies are implemented ranging from universal to intensive strategies.

To be awarded a gold Junior Star Badge Year 9 students must achieve the following:

  • Graduate Year 9 with 10 accumulated points.
  • Gain 6 points from the 3 core subjects (Maths/English/Science).
  • Gain 4 points from 2 elective subjects.
  • Overall ‘passed’ 5 subjects which will offer 2 points each, a total of 10 credit points.
  • To uphold behaviour of a Bundamba SUPERRSTAR and uphold the expectations of all students.  Behaviour in the classroom must not adversely impact on the learning of other students.  Parent contact will be made immediately concerns are raised in this area.  
  • Completing homework tasks and ensure assignments and other assessment items are completed on time. 

Junior Secondary Leadership

Student leadership at Bundamba State Secondary College plays an important role in the life of our student  body.  Our leadership program ensures students participate in a range of initiatives to ensure development of skills that support active citizenship.
The Bundamba State Secondary College student leadership structure promotes and encourages student participation from the whole student body. The belief is ALL students are leaders, and play an important role in shaping the schools tone and creating a sense of school identify and ownership. All students are encouraged to demonstrate leadership skills in the school, classroom environment and the broader community.
The Bundamba State Secondary College student leadership program includes the formation of a Junior, and Senior Secondary Student Representative Council. The Junior Secondary Student Council is led by four Junior Secondary Captains and class ambassadors from every year level.

Feeder school visits

Regular visits are made to our local feeder school to discuss the importance of high school and the opportunities that it brings. The college prides itself in having productive relationships will all their feeder primary school, and enjoy being part in many events throughout the year.


A range of Scholarships are available including sport, academic, cultural, and leadership.  Scholarships forms are available by using the link provided.

Mighty Minds 

Teachers in Junior secondary have access to an online teaching tool.  Students are tested prior to commencing a unit of work to determine curriculum strengths and weaknesses. This allows teachers to plan more effective lessons targeting student needs. Post testing is then conducted to determine student gains. Students receive revision sheets based on induvial needs and can be accessed online.

BDP/Wellbeing program

A range of social and emotion topics are embedded into the Bundamba       Development Program. Topics such as bullying, social media, reliance are discussed.

High expectation learning environment

The college endeavours to:

  • Challenge students in their educational endeavours
  • support them in setting and attaining realistic academic goals
  • energetically promote commitment to academic excellence at all times
  • Support all students throughout Years 7, 8 and 9. 
  • Share the educational responsibility between Teachers, Parents and Students
  • Monitor attendance and expect valid reasons are provided when absent. Absences may need to be supported by a medical certificate. In order for academic success students must be present at school at least 92% of the time.

 Junior Secondary students are expected to:

  • Be punctual to all lessons and events. Students are expected to be at school from 8.45am – 2:50pm each day except in cases of genuine illness.
  • Attend school no less than 92% of the time
  • Wear the full school uniform correctly at all times with pride, unless accompanied with a note
  • Be self-motivated and mature in their approach to their studies
  • Adopt effective study routines and committing to work in an increasingly independent manner;
  • Work with pride as part of the year group to achieve their very best for both themselves and the group;

Extension programs/Supported Learning

The Junior Secondary program caters for students who excel and require extension.  Our Junior Secondary program also has dedicated staff to support student who require support in literacy and numeracy.

Reading focus/reading program

Literacy is the foundation to every student’s success in learning and to active participation in society. A critical aspect of literacy improvement is the ability to read and comprehend increasingly complex texts for different purposes. Therefore, the College’s approach to improving students’ reading achievement is a priority.
The college support the Premiers Reading Challenge. The Premier's Reading Challenge is an annual statewide initiative for state and non-state schools and home-educated students up to Year 9, as well as children (aged up to five years) enrolled in an early childhood centre, and individual home readers.
Bundamba State secondary College has a major focus on reading in all classes in all year levels.

$tar Dollars positive Rewards

Students in Junior Secondary are awarded points for displaying exemplary behaviour during class or in the playground. Students are then able to redeem their points for prizes in the online $tar Dollar store, which are then delivered to the school.
Last reviewed 23 May 2024
Last updated 23 May 2024